Top 5 Most Common Symptoms of Sciatica

Sciatica refers to a medical condition characterized by intense pain created by an inflamed or irritated sciatic nerve. When irritated, sciatica manifests as varying degrees of pain – sometimes debilitating, in the lower back and legs. At Cape Coral Family Chiropractic, we offer a variety of chiropractic treatment options that provide sciatic pain relief for those individuals who live in and around Cape Coral, FL.

How does Sciatica occur?

The human body’s biggest nerve - the sciatic nerve – originates in your lower back/hip area and then travels down each leg. Sciatica can be the result of an injury or trauma, a herniated disc, and more.

The 5 Most Common Symptoms of Sciatica

The severity and duration of sciatica symptoms can vary widely but include –

  1. Pain, which can range from mild to sharp or even burning, is a hallmark symptom of sciatica. Sciatic pain typically follows the path of the sciatic nerve.
  2. Numbness/tingling (in your foot or leg in varying degrees) can be felt, along with sciatic pain.
  3. Sciatica can lead to weakness in the affected leg.
  4. Severe burning or shooting pain is often made worse by simple movement.
  5. Pain that is aggravated by sitting for extended periods, standing for too long, lifting heavy objects, or bending at the waist.

How Does a Chiropractor Treat Sciatic Nerve Pain?

A chiropractor treating sciatica seeks to reduce any pressure on the sciatic nerve. This can be done with –

  • Spinal adjustments.
  • Complementary therapies to release muscle tension–
  • Electrical stimulation.
  • Massage.
  • Heat/Cold Therapy and more.

In addition, a chiropractor can offer lifestyle guidance and recommendations to help prevent future pain and sciatica flare-ups.

Looking for Sciatica Relief in Cape Coral, FL?

Are you looking for a chiropractor near you? If you are experiencing back and leg pain and think it may be sciatica-related, contact Cape Coral Family Chiropractic at 239-574-8000 or online. We look forward to tailoring a treatment plan to meet your needs.

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