Stretching to Prevent Injury and Pain

Good health is often described as a puzzle – one that requires many odd shaped pieces to come together in perfect harmony. Of those many pieces, one in particular is commonly ignored, despite its importance and overall health benefits. Regular stretching to keep muscles, tendons, and ligaments flexible is vital to overall health. Many individuals find stretching to be very time consuming and boring when compared to other forms of exercise, but without it, an individual may have difficulty shaking off chronic aches, pains, and old injuries. Stretching has been shown to help prevent many different injuries and can help the body stay limber and stronger. While many of our own patients may have been able to avoid their neck pain, back pain, or shoulder pain through a stretching routine, they are recovering faster by incorporating one now during their treatments in our office.

Stretching is so important to an individual’s overall health because it helps lengthen muscles and increase flexibility. Much of today’s work force is often confined to chairs behind computers or slouched over a desk. These postures really shorten and tighten muscles, leaving most individual’s feeling sore, stiff, and achy. When muscles remain in a contracted position for long amounts of time, it is harder for them to warm up and lengthen during times of activity, leaving muscles vulnerable to tears and strain type injuries. Stretching large groups of muscles like the hamstrings, quadriceps, and calve muscles can also help support and strengthen muscles of the low back, increasing the overall benefit.

When it comes to starting a stretching routine, it is best to set a time that will work for you on a daily basis instead of different times daily. The best time to stretch is before and after exercise and other activities, as well as in the morning and evenings when having pain and stiffness. If you go to the gym at the same time every day, or have a set lunch period daily, these are great times to dedicate to some stretching. It is also important to note that when starting a new routine, it is best to start slowly and not rush through the process. Stretching occurs over time and cannot be rushed into a 5-minute period, especially when dealing with mild muscle injury. Starting slow and gentle with a strong focus on what you want to stretch is the best way to progress through your routine. Trying to push yourself to reach a little bit farther is a great way to cause an injury. Stay relaxed with calm breathing and focus on the muscle groups you are trying to stretch. Mentally focusing and creating a mental image of the muscles lengthening can help create a strong brain-muscle connection. This type of connection is vital in allowing the brain to communicate with the muscles and it is what helps prevent injuries long term.

There is a ton of information regarding stretching out there and you are bound to hear some tips and tricks from everyone, including your neighbor. The most important take away from it all, is that stretching should feel good and never cause muscular pain. If it does, changes should be made your routine. If you are unsure of what to stretch of how to stretch to reduce pain and stiffness, schedule a time for a consultation with one of our physicians at Cape Coral Family Chiropractic. They will help you determine what methods of stretching will be best for you and how to incorporate them into your daily routine.

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